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Where the Name Five Horses Came From

No, it's not based on how many horses we have.  We’ve already blown that!  We heard this story about when an emperor in Asia had a message for the villagers, he would send it by horsemen. The number of horsemen determined the importance of the message. Five horses were the most he would send out to each village when there was a message that HAD to be received.  This is where we got the name, Five Horses.

We consider ourselves messengers, too.  No, it's not all about horses.  Horses are very important to us, but we can't take them with us when we leave this world.  Truly the most important message is, THE CROSS, sent by the Most High King, JESUS.  What is that message exactly?

It may not be an easy message, but it is the most important one you'll ever hear.  So can you admit that you're not perfect?  Do you realize that the only way to change is through Christ?  Are you willing to recognize what Christ did for you and make him Lord over all?  It is SO worth it!

Remember that, "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.  For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him" (John 3:16-17)

If you have any questions about why we need redemption, why God made us, why God made horses, or anything else on our page, please email us.  We'd love to chat with you.
